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Clean it or bin it? This is what you should do with the 6 grossest items in your home

Toilet brush

Bin it. This is an item a lot of people forget to throw out. Most people keep the same toilet brush for way too long and they’re a lot grosser than you might think. So, make sure you often clean your toilet brush with bleach and replace it at least once a year. Are you not treating it with bleach? Then you should buy a new one every six months, to prevent any bacteria that can make you sick from growing on there.


Clean it. People often forget to clean their pillows, even though you can very simply wash them in the washing machine! Don’t wash them on a temperature that’s too high and make sure you wash them on a gentle cycle. Next, put your pillow into the tumble dryer along with a couple of tennis balls and it will come out soft and plump. Doing this twice a year is enough.

Plastic food containers

Clean it. Fill the containers with a 50/50 mixture: one part water and one part cleaning vinegar. Leave this to sit and soak for 30 minutes and your plastic containers will be perfectly fresh again. Do throw out the containers if the plastic contains BPA. You can find this information on the bottom of the container. BPA is bad for your health, which is why you should avoid it.

Read more: Did you know you can clean these 8 things with toothpaste?

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Source: Real Simple | Image: pxhere

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