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Make your foggy glassware shine again by pouring THIS in your dishwasher!


If you have a dishwasher you won’t feel like cleaning those glasses by hand, of course. That’s absolutely fine, because it’s very easy to clean your foggy glassware with a dishwasher! How? Simple! Take a bowl, fill it with vinegar and place it in the bottom rack of your dishwasher. Place the foggy glassware in the top rack and turn on the machine (without any form of dishwasher detergent!) and run it on your regular programme. Not only will your glasses come looking shiny and new again, your dishwasher itself has also had a proper clean in the meantime!

Take a look at the video below for this great trick:

Read more: What’s cheaper: doing the dishes by hand or putting everything in the dishwasher?

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Source: Youtube | Image: Video still

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