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Woman cleans couch with denture cleaning tablets and this is the result

This is what you need to do

The woman explains in her post on Facebook that she filled the spray bottle with water and added three denture cleaning tablets to this. After the tablets had dissolved completely, she sprayed the mixture onto her sofa. She let the mixture sit and soak for about five minutes and then she used a dishwashing brush to properly scrub the fabric and get rid of the dirt. Next, she used a clean tea towel to remove the dirty water from the couch. You can take a look at the before and after pictures of the couch right here. With this amazing result, the couch looks as good as new! We’re truly astounded by the effect. Are you going to give this handy cleaning trick a try?

Read more: 8 unexpected things you can clean using soft drinks

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Source: Daily MailMargriet | Image: video still, YouTube

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