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Do you just use coffee filters for making coffee? You can do so much more with them!

coffee filters

Polish, dab, filter: coffee filters can do it all!

A lot of people own a Nespresso, Senseo or Dolce Gusto machine these days. These people will be a little bummed right now, because those regular old coffee filters are super handy! You can use them for much more than just making coffee. Of course, you don’t have to make the drastic decision of saying goodbye to your Nespresso machine, but we definitely would recommend getting some coffee filters!

We’ve got some great tips for you on how you can use coffee filters apart from in your coffee machine!

Dabbing grease

Coffee filters are champions when it comes to absorbing grease. And, unlike paper towels, filters don’t leave behind any lint. So, have you used a bit too much butter and do you want to remove some from the pan? Just grab a coffee filter and use it to swipe through your pan and you’ll notice it’ll absorb a lot of the excess butter.

Removing nail polish

The ‘no lint’-advantage we talked about above applies to this trick as well. If you want to remove some excess nail polish from your nail or finger you don’t have to worry about leaving behind any fluff or lint if you use a coffee filter instead of a paper towel or cotton pad.

Go to the next page for three more handy coffee filter tips!

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