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6 x handy cleaning tips for the bathroom

4. Unclogging the toilet

Unclogging the toilet can be a hellish chore. Luckily, dish soap is your saviour in this case. Pour a generous dash of dish soap into the clogged toilet; it will slowly sink to the bottom. Next, pour in hot water (but not boiling – this can damage the porcelain of the toilet bowl) until the entire bowl is filled. Wait for 20 to 30 minutes so the dish soap and the water can do their job. The water will find its way around the blockage and the water level will slowly go down. You can now flush the toilet and the blockage will be gone.

5. Cleaning the showerhead

Got limescale on your showerhead? You can easily remove it with vinegar! Fill a plastic bag with white vinegar. Place the bag around the showerhead and secure it properly with an elastic band, making sure it won’t fall off. Note: for this trick to work the showerhead needs to be completely submerged in the vinegar. Leave this overnight and come back to it in the morning.

6. Washing the shower curtain

Did you know you should actually wash your shower curtain once a month? A shower curtain gets dirty quite quickly, which really isn’t that strange when you think about how often the shower gets used. But what’s the best way to clean a shower curtain? Remove the rings from the curtain and then put it in the washing machine along with two towels. The towels will scrub against the curtain, as it were, which will ensure the curtain ends up cleaner. Wash the curtain with your usual laundry detergent as well as a generous dash of white vinegar. Put the water temperature to 40 °C. Don’t put it any higher or your curtain might end up melting. Afterwards, let your curtain dry. Note: never put a shower curtain in the dryer, or (again) it might melt.

Read more: 8 bad cleaning habits you need to stop doing right now

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Source: HousewifehowtoNSMBL | Image: Flickr 

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