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No need to buy cleaning agents: you can easily make them yourself

Laundry detergent

What do you need? (for 2.5 litres)

  • 40 g Sunlight soap
  • 40 g washing soda
  • a splash of cleaning vinegar
  • 2.5 litres water

What do you need to do?

  • Grate the soap over a saucepan and add 500 ml water.
  • Heat this soap and water mixture while stirring, until all the soap has dissolved.
  • Add the washing soda and then pour the mixture into a bucket.
  • Add the remaining 2 litres of water and leave this overnight.
  • It’s ready to use!

Glass cleaner

What do you need? (for 1 litre)

  • 330 ml alcohol (at least 90%)
  • 330 ml vinegar
  • 330 ml water

What do you need to do?

  • Add all the ingredients to a spray bottle and shake it properly.
  • Spray the mixture onto the windows and clean them with a microfiber cloth or a newspaper.

Read more: This is the genius reason why you should clean your bathroom with a grapefruit!

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Source: Aroma lifestyleleukegeit | Image: pxhere