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7 things you’re cleaning too often

4. Jeans

You really don’t have to wash jeans that often. They lose their shape and colour pretty quickly when they’re washed, which is why it’s better to only wash them when they no longer smell very fresh. You can also eliminate smells from your jeans by hanging them to air outside overnight or by putting them in the freezer in a plastic bag. The freezer-method also kills bacteria at the same time.

3. Wooden furniture

A lot of different cleaning products can ruin perfectly nice wooden furniture. Even special wood cleaning products don’t need to be used that often. These contain oils that cause your furniture to become greasy and attract dust. Clean wooden furniture once a month with a wood cleaning product and remove stains and spilt food with a damp cloth.

2. Carpet

Do you remove stains from your carpet with soapy water? This isn’t a very smart thing to do, because you won’t be able to rinse away the soap. The soap that gets left behind in the carpet will only attract more dirt and dust and cause more stains in the long term.

1. Bathroom mirror

We were surprised by this one as well, but apparently, it’s possible to clean the mirror in your bathroom too often. Every time the mirror fogs up or you make it wet by cleaning it, moisture ends up behind the glass. This can cause a mirror to become damaged or tarnished.

Read more: Got red eyes or a sore throat? This spot in your washing machine might be the cause

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Source: One Good Thing | Image: video still

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