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Do you clean your toilet with chlorine bleach? You won’t anymore after reading this!

In recent years, bacteria have become more resistant to antibiotics. As a result, minor diseases such as bladder infections or pneumonia can become life threatening. It is, of course, important that we use antibiotics in the right way.

But it can also help to use as few aggressive cleaning solutions as possible so that bad bacteria don’t get a chance to gain strength. According to the Health Council, the solution is pretty straightforward. “Just hot water and an all-purpose cleaner will do just fine.” Your home will not be one hundred percent sterile, but it’ll be enough to keep you healthy. An exception would be when someone at home is very ill and suffers severe infections, or if there are people with complaints like diarrhea and vomiting. Then it would be advisable to temporarily use chlorine. So, those slick advertisements of shiny antibacterial cleaners can be ignored from now on. Just water and soap will do. Also, make sure you wash your hands well and you’ll be just fine.

Source: Margriet

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