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8 unexpected things you could clean using soft drinks

5. Rust

Do you have tools in your toolkit that have gone pretty rusty? Fill a bucket or plastic tub with coke and leave the tools to soak in there for a while. When you take the tools out again, they will look good again! Do make sure you rinse and dry the tools properly after you’ve done this.

6. Windows and mirrors

It’s best to use coke for this trick because the acids it contains are great for cleaning windows and mirrors. Drench a paper towel in coke and use this to clean your mirror or window. Then, take a clean, moist cloth and use this to wipe the window or mirror with, to avoid a sticky mess.

7. Carpet

Coke is also very well-suited to remove marker stains from your carpet. Carefully dab a bit of coke onto the stain and it will easily disappear from the carpet. Do be careful with light carpets, though! The dark colour of the coke can actually cause an even bigger mess.

8. Jewellery

Is your silver jewellery looking a little dark and dull? Use a soft drink with lemon or lime, like Sprite or 7up. Pour the soda into a bowl and add the jewellery to it. The carbonic acid and fruit acid will make sure your jewellery is super clean and bright again.

Read more: Apparently, we’ve all been using can openers wrong our whole lives

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Source: Apartment Therapy | Image: Unsplash

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