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This is how you can very easily clean and maintain your shower curtain

Give this method a try and your shower curtain might end up looking as good as new again!

Nobody likes to spend hours cleaning their house – at least, we don’t. The battle against dirt and bacteria can take up a lot of time which can be very frustrating, especially if you don’t have a lot of time to begin with. That’s why we’ve got a trick for you that will come in very handy when you’re cleaning the bathroom! One of the toughest things in your house to keep clean is your shower curtain. It can start to get mouldy pretty quickly. And what do you do then: buy a new one or give it a good clean?

This tip will make sure you don’t have to buy a new shower curtain every time it gets a little dirty. It’s easy and cheap!


You only need a couple of ingredients for this cleaning trick, and there’s a good chance you already have all three of these things in a cupboard at home. You’ll need:

  • Laundry detergent
  • 100 grams of baking soda
  • A splash of white vinegar

Go to the next page to read all about how you can use these ingredients to give your shower curtain a proper clean!

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of specific results and each person’s results may vary.

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