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9 things you should clean after a flu wave

flu wave

Did your family experience a flu wave recently? Clean all of these things to prevent a second wave!

Being struck by a bout of flu is no fun at all. In families with children, it can be especially tedious. First, one kid is felled by the flu, then the next and before you know it you have it as well. The only solution is to get through it and take your time getting better, or you’ll be sick again in no time at all. Do you want to prevent yourself from getting sick again? Then you should clean these nine things after the flu epidemic in your home has passed again.

Disinfect all of these items if you want to prevent a new wave of the flu.

1. Remote control

There you are, lying on the sofa or in bed feeling exhausted. Once you’ve caught the flu, you can do little more than lying down, sleeping and perhaps watching some TV if you’re lucky. Since you touch the remote control a lot when you’re ill, it’s a good idea to disinfect it when you’re healthy again. The flu virus can survive for 24 hours on these kinds of surfaces! Before you know it, one of your family members has been infected too. You can easily clean the remote control with a wet cleaning wipe.

2. Phone

Just like the remote control, we touch our phones very often. When you’re ill, you don’t want to lose touch with the outside world so we often spend a lot of time scrolling through social media. Disinfect your phone every day with a wet cleaning wipe and let the rest of your family do the same when someone is ill.

3. Bedding

The flu virus can’t survive for very long on soft surfaces, but when your partner is ill or when your ill child has slept in your bed, it is wise to change the bedding to prevent you from getting ill as well. When the flu wave is nearly over, it’s also time to change the bedding. Make sure you wash the sheets at a high temperature.

4. Blankets

Of course, it’s very comforting to get underneath a blanket when you’re ill. But, just like with your bedding, you might pass on the flu to someone else. If the fabric can take it, you should wash the blanket on as high a temperature as possible. Is the blanket made out of wool or another type of fragile material? Put it in a plastic bag and seal it completely. The virus will die within 24 to 48 hours.

Go to the next page to read about the other things you should disinfect!

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