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7 things around the house you should clean every day

4. The coffee machine

Do you, just like us, use your coffee machine every day? Then you should wash up its loose parts every day too. When you use your coffee machine, coffee grounds and a greasy layer are left behind. This causes your machine to become dirty and if it stays that way it can easily break down. That’s why you should take out all of the loose parts and wash them up or put them in the washing machine.

5. The sink

A lot of bacteria are left behind in the sink when you wash your hands or food. So, wiping it down quickly with some all-purpose cleaner isn’t a bad idea. Want to be sure that your sink is properly disinfected? Remove the food scraps and fill the sink with warm water. Add a tablespoon of bleach to the water and let this sit in the sink for five minutes. Let the water drain from the sink and dry it with a tea towel. You don’t need to do this every day, but do make sure you at least remove the food scraps from the drain every day.

6. Dishes

Leaving the dishes for the next day (or even later) attracts vermin and makes it more difficult to actually clean the dishes. That’s why it’s much better and easier to simply do the dishes every single day. It’ll take a little bit of time, but you won’t be left with a bigger stack of much dirtier dishes the next day.

7. Crumbs

Remove crumbs from the floor every day using a dustpan or Swiffer to keep out insects and vermin. You don’t want to simply give them a nice meal and have them coming back to your house again.

Read more: 7 handy cleaning tricks you didn’t know about yet

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Source: Good Housekeeping | Image: Pexels

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