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7 things around the house you should clean every day

clean every day

Don’t forget to clean these things every day

Yet another task on your to-do list? Well, no, if all is right you’re actually already doing all of these things every day. Most of these things are small acts you hardly think about anyway. But still, we’d like to point your attention to these seven tasks that really should be done every day. Do you clean these things every day?

Make sure you clean these things every day if you want to create a fresh and healthy living environment.

1. Tea towels, kitchen towels and dishcloths

You use dishcloths to wipe away dirt, so it’s not very surprising that these are full of bacteria. Tea towels and kitchen towels, too, are much dirtier than they seem! And let’s be fair, how much time does it really cost to toss them in the hamper and replace them with clean towels? While you’re at it, also replace the guest towels in the bathroom. These are used multiple times a day, so they get dirty pretty quickly too.

2. Shower walls

Okay, so this tip doesn’t really count as “cleaning”, but a lot of people forget about it anyway. Put a squeegee in your shower so you and your family members can squeegee the water from the walls and doors of the shower cabin. By doing this small and simple thing every day, you’ll prevent limescale from building up in your shower, which means you won’t have to scrub like crazy later.

3. The kitchen counter

Keep a spray bottle with kitchen cleaner or all-purpose cleaner close by so you can quickly wipe down your kitchen counters before and after cooking. Doing this after you’re done cooking might sound logical, since there will be crumbs and food scraps on your counters, but cleaning it before cooking is a good idea too. You put your grocery bag on top of the counter, put down your keys there and who knows what else has left bacteria on that surface. Giving it a quick wipe down with some cleaner isn’t an unnecessary luxury.

Go to the next page to read about the other four things you should clean every day!

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