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4 tips to keep your carpets looking clean and new

Treat stains right away

The longer you leave a stain in your carpet, the harder it will be to remove it. Got an ink stain in your carpet? Treat it with WD-40. Did you spill wine on your carpet? Never rub it, but carefully dab at it with a cloth and then treat it with shaving foam. Have your pets left a lot of hairs on the carpet? You can easily remove them with a squeegee!

Vacuum regularly

It makes sense, but vacuuming is a chore a lot of people tend to skip if they don’t have the time. Do you want to make sure your carpet remains looking as clean and neat as possible? Then it’s best to vacuum it at least two times a week to clean it properly!

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Source: House Wife How To | Image: Pexels

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