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Apply this top 10 of tricks and you’ll clean your kitchen within 10 minutes

5. Clear out your appliances

Many kitchens have a couple of appliances that are either used very often or hardly ever. Give away all of the appliances you never use or find a good place to store them, out of sight.

4. Tupperware

You’ve got about 30 plastic containers to store leftovers in, but you only ever use the same five or so. Sound familiar? They’re an eyesore every time you open the kitchen cabinet and they take up so much space! Fix this problem by simply throwing out the containers you no longer use. Or maybe someone else would like to take them off your hands.

3. Check your spice rack

Spices don’t keep forever: at some point, they expire. So, check what spices you have in your kitchen cupboard or spice rack and throw out the spices that have expired. Tidy the rack while you’re at it; actually add that salt to your salt shaker instead of leaving it in the bag.

2. Throw out food

It’s not just your fridge and spice rack that could do with a bit of tidying: the pantry needs a good clear out every now and then as well. Check all of the pots and cans for their expiration date and throw out what’s passed said date. The same goes for small amounts of pasta or rice that are left over and you won’t be eating anymore anyway.

1. The final touch

Take a few minutes to tidy your counters. Clear away all of the small things on there, like elastic bands, caps and coupons. Clear them away properly (don’t just throw them in a drawer) and you’ll see your kitchen looks a lot tidier already. Remember to only leave those things on the counter that you actually use on a regular basis.

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Source: The Kitchn | Image: Pexels

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