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10 things you can easily clean with dish soap

6. Jewellery

Add a droplet of dish soap to a bowl of sparkling water and let your dirty jewellery soak in this for five minutes. Use a soft toothbrush to brush off the dirt.

7. Kitchen cabinets

When you’re cooking, a lot of grease and oils mix with dust, smoke and other kitchen muck to form a sticky, greasy layer on your kitchen cabinets. Many people forget to clean these cabinets, but they can get pretty grimy. Make some soapy water with warm water and dish soap and remove the greasy layers from your kitchen cabinets.

8. Window blinds

Cleaning window blinds can be a really tedious chore. You can try cleaning them while they’re hanging, but the easiest thing to do is to remove them from the wall and clean the blinds one by one with a mix of warm water and dish soap.

9. Fans

Prepare some soapy water with warm water and dish soap to clean all of the fans in your home. The air that gets sucked up by the fan contains a lot of dust and filth and leaves behind a greasy film. Remove the fans from the ceiling or walls, if possible, and soak them in the soapy water. Scrub them clean with an old toothbrush.

10. Kitchen appliances

Clean kitchen appliances like blenders, toasters, microwaves and ovens with a bit of dish soap and warm water. You can also use this soapy water to wipe off the dishwasher, washing machine and dryer.

Read more: These are 8 simple cleaning tips using just some vinegar! Amazing!

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Source: The Spruce | Image: Wikimedia Commons, Onderwijsgek

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