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10 things you can easily clean with dish soap

dish soap

Use dish soap for these chores as well

Dish soap is something everybody always has a bottle of at home. Even if you own a dishwasher, you’ll probably have a bottle of the stuff in a cupboard to wash a couple of dishes with every now and then. The cleaning product is composed in such a way that it’s not irritating to the skin but it does dissolve grease. That’s why it’s also used to wash animals and birds with that have come into contact with oil. Now, we’re not about to wash some wild animals, but we are happy with these ten dish soap tips!

You can do a great many things with dish soap.

1. Remove stains

Did you spill something on the carpet or on the fabric of a sofa or chair? Mix a tablespoon of dish soap with two cups of hot water. Drench a clean cloth in this soapy water and dab at the stain until it disappears. Rinse it with a clean sponge and cold water and then dab it dry with a tea towel or some paper towels.

2. Floors

You can mop floors made out of ceramic tiles, vinyl or linoleum using soapy water made with dish soap. Add one or two tablespoons of dish soap to a bucket filled with hot water and use this to mop your floors with. Don’t use this method for wooden floors, though, they might end up looking very ugly!

3. Windows

Has it been a while since your windows have been cleaned and are they looking very smudgy? Make some soapy water with hot water and dish soap and use this to clean your dirty windows with. You’ll remove most of the grease and dirt this way. When you’re done with this, clean the glass with glass cleaner as well to make them shine.

4. Surfaces

Use a mild type of dish soap to clean surfaces like kitchen counters, window sills and baseboards. Dilute a little bit of dish soap in hot water and transfer this to a spray bottle. That way, you can easily spray some of the mixture onto the surface in question and then simply wipe it clean. You can also very easily clean the greasy tiles on the walls above your kitchen counters with this.

5. Laundry

You’ll be able to remove oily stains out of your clothes in a jiffy if you use dish soap. Pour a little bit of the liquid directly onto the stain and let this soak into it before washing the item of clothing on the highest possible temperature (look at to the care label on the item of clothing to determine this temperature). This trick works especially well for stains made by greasy foods, like dressings with an oil base. Did you get a stain in clothing that can’t be washed in the washing machine, like wool or silk? Add a little bit of dish soap to a bucket of water and put the item of clothing in question in the bucket. Carefully wash it with your hands and then rinse it with clean, cold water.

Keep reading on the next page for five more things you can clean using dish soap!

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